5 Intermediate Yoga Poses For Weight Loss [Infographic & Pictures]

Yoga is perfect for weight loss, and can help you reduce those extra pounds within a few months. The activity consists of a sequence of intermediate yoga poses for weight loss which will also help you in making long term dietary and lifestyle changes. During the course of time, these yoga poses will fight the root cause, not just the symptoms of being overweight & unhealthy.

Learn the 5 best intermediate yoga poses with pictures (in infographic) to lose weight quickly with the help of infographic attached.

Dog yoga pose (Downward facing)

Downward facing dog yoga pose is a standing pose that targets the wrists, shoulders and core. It is ideal to lose weight quickly and famous among the yoga beginners. To begin with dog pose, hold your body on both hands & on one toe maintaining the upward posture with your back and leaving your one leg diagonally in the air. Refer infographic for yoga pose picture!

Triangle yoga pose (Revolved)

Revolved triangle yoga pose is a standing pose that targets the wrists, shoulders, ankles and core, to hold the body weight & posture. It is famous for its power to lose weight quickly. To practice this intermediate yoga pose, you have to extend both arms, with the legs spread apart and one foot turned at a 90-degree angle. The upper body is bent toward the lead foot so that one arm reaches toward.

Plow yoga pose

Plow yoga pose is a forward bend, reclined, inversion type pose that targets the shoulders and is ideal for yoga students at an intermediate level. This pose stretches the spine and shoulders while rejuvenating the nervous system & heart circulatory system. To practice this yoga pose, begin by lying flat on your back with your legs extended and your arms at your sides, palms down. Check out the picture in infographic.

Discover more yoga poses for weight loss & watch videos.

Child yoga pose

Child yoga pose stretches hips, thighs and ankles and strengthens your back, neck and shoulders. To begin this yoga pose, you need to sit on your knees in a way that your body is resting on the top of your thighs and arms are stretched in the direction of your feet. This intermediate child pose helps you in getting relief from backache and fatigue.

Balance yoga pose

Balance yoga pose (hands and knees) is a balance pose that targets the abs and hamstrings. It is ideal for enhancing the body strength and lose weight. To begin with hands & knees yoga, you have to bend yourself on the one hand and one knee holding your whole body weight for 2- 3 minutes. Balance yoga pose is a group of balancing yoga poses for improving the body strength and posture.

For easy and fast understanding of all 5 intermediate yoga pose for weight loss, have a look at Infographic below

Above are 5 yoga asanas for losing weight that are super easy for anyone. If you have queries on how to practice, check out the blog link shared above for videos and pictures!

If you wish to start a career in yoga, then, have a look at 200 hours YTT course in Rishikesh provided by our yoga school.

Send an email at info@spiritualpunditiz.com to speak with our team of yoga teachers and get special discount on YTT..


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