
Showing posts from September, 2019

5 Intermediate Yoga Poses For Weight Loss [Infographic & Pictures]

Yoga is perfect for weight loss, and can help you reduce those extra pounds within a few months. The activity consists of a sequence of intermediate yoga poses for weight loss which will also help you in making long term dietary and lifestyle changes. During the course of time, these yoga poses will fight the root cause, not just the symptoms of being overweight & unhealthy. Learn the 5 best intermediate yoga poses with pictures (in infographic) to lose weight quickly with the help of infographic attached. Dog yoga pose (Downward facing) Downward facing dog yoga pose is a standing pose that targets the wrists, shoulders and core. It is ideal to lose weight quickly and famous among the yoga beginners. To begin with dog pose, hold your body on both hands & on one toe maintaining the upward posture with your back and leaving your one leg diagonally in the air. Refer infographic for yoga pose picture! Triangle yoga pose (Revolved) Revolved triangle yoga pose is a standing pose