
Showing posts from August, 2020

Yoga Poses for Morning - Easy Morning Stretches

People with busy work schedules avoid yoga in the morning since they think it consumes a lot of time. This however is completely untrue. In this blog, the best yoga school of India share top yoga poses and stretches that take less than 10 minutes to complete and help in improving overall health and wellness. Let’s start with our guide on the morning yoga poses! Mountain pose with prayer hands Mountain pose with prayer hands is one of the easiest yoga poses to practice in the morning. This yoga pose is also known as Pranamasana. Below are the benefits of practicing Mountain pose with prayer hands daily: Boosts the balance between body and mind. Helps in enhancing body posture. It nourishes the legs muscles and bones Extended side angle pose Extended side angle pose is also known as Utthita Parsvakonasana. People having an exhausting work schedule often face back pain and neck pain. This yoga pose helps in getting rid of back and neck pain. Below are the major benefits of practicing thi