
Showing posts from January, 2019

Restorative Yoga for Headaches - Best Yoga Poses from Ekattva

Yoga is quickly gaining popularity as a restorative practice to treat health issues like headaches. While there are lots of restorative yoga poses for headaches, some deliver better and quicker results. Ekattva Yogshala recently published a blog post in which we shared the best restorative yoga poses for headaches and migraines. The aforementioned yoga post shared the following 8 restorative yoga poses to get rid of your headaches and migraine: Shavasana Paschimottanasana Uttanasana Urdhva mukha svanasana Balasana Janu sirsasana Padmasana Supta Virasana Read the complete post about yoga poses for migraine and headaches to learn how to perform the restorative asanas and poses. Restorative Yoga for Headaches Want to learn yoga or participate in relaxing yoga retreats at the birthplace of yoga? Email at to learn about yoga courses and retreats. Ekattva Yogshala - Top yoga school in India Ekattva Yogshala is India’s leading yoga school in Ris